For detailed information about the travel provision for each school, please see below.
A detailed look at our services
Schools are aware that safeguarding of the pupils in their care is central to their obligations.
However, not all schools are clear exactly where their safeguarding responsibility starts and ends – is it at the school gates, in transit to and from school or on entry to the United Kingdom?
Significant Increases in International enrolment has highlighted the issue of complying with clear Home Office Student visa legislation.
Student visa Sponsors are responsible for Sponsored Students attending their schools from the moment they enter the UK to the moment they leave again.
Schools found to fall short in complying with the legislation will see their right to recruit suspended and could ultimately lose the right to sponsor Student visas, meaning all Student visa holders would have to have to return home.
Domestic students and those not on Student visas who travel to school unaccompanied are also the responsibility of the school they attend.
The question that schools must ask themselves is: What is required and how should we make sure that our obligations are met? Who should pay for this service?
GTMatrix has developed a travel and welfare solution that operates in full compliance with Sponsored Student and general safeguarding standards.
The travel and welfare solution is constructed following a full risk assessment. Our team plus the SLT agree prices for travel on scheduled, chaperoned transport with a defined minimum number of travellers underwritten by the school.
We provide uniformed and trained coach chaperones and “Airport Guardians” teams, supported by bespoke software, processes and intra-school and parent communication systems.
We can offer you:
- A full solution
- Airport Guardians oversight at Heathrow at a fixed cost per traveller
- An audit of your current transport provision